
Graph Processing in Excel Files: Data Updates and Graph Adjustments using openpyxl

When working with Excel files, it is often necessary to update data and adjust graphs accordingly. In this article, we achieve this goal using the widely-used openpyxl library. During this process, we encountered several issues and their corresponding solutions.


Google Colab: 3 Ways To Save Pandas Dataframe Data

This post will demo 3 Ways to save pandas data. - download as a csv file. - save as a csv file to Google drive. - save as a Google spreadsheet to Google drive.


Google Colab introduction & Tips

In this article, I want to introduce a powerful service, 'Google collaboratory'(or 'Google Colab' for short). And some useful tips to use it.


Python: Use urllib.request to do http request

In this article, I will show you how to execute HTTP requests with urllib.request. The workflow is, 1. Create a request by `urllib.request.Request` method. 2. Assign the request as a parameter of `urllib.request.urlopen` method to get response. 3. use `json` module to parse the response.


Python: use pyenv to manage the version of Python

Here will show you about pyenv installation and usage. - Use **Homebrew** to install **pyenv**. - Use pyenv install --list to check the list. - Use pyenv versions to check if the specific version of python is installed or not. - Use pyenv global <version> or pyenv local <version> to switch version of python.


Python project: files in folders are organized by file type

Here are 4 points are used to reorganized files in folder by file type. 1. use `os.path.isdir()` function to check if the folder exists or not. 2. use `os.listdir()` function to get the file list in the folder. 3. use `os.path.splitext()` funciton to get file's extension. 4. use `shutil.copyfile()` to copy the file to target path.


Python: 4 ways to create Pandas DataFrame

The **DataFrame** of **pandas** is a very common object used in doing data analysis. This article introduces four common ways (**NumPy**, **dist**, **list**, **csv file**) to build a DataFrame.